Monday, August 6, 2007

What are you crazy about?

For me, it's music and theme parks. Combine the two and I'm in heaven. I can't remember a time when the two were not something I craved. I love music because it helps me express and feel emotions that are hard for me. I love the thrill of roller coasters because it's makes me feel reckless and brave (even though I am neither.) I think that's what life is all about. You are who you are and you find things that let you stretch your wings. I love the rush of it all.

Some of my earliest memories are going to Disney with my Mom & Dad. They both loved to ride coasters too and so I developed a passion for them at an early age. It was so much fun to have 2 parents who were fun loving then. For when I was still a teenager my Mom was struck with a brain tumor. And needless to say, anything fast or adventurous was a thing of the past for her. She wanted to though. I remember her getting on a fair ride after she was diagnosed only to get violently sick from the momentum. She was embarrassed and I'm sure frustrated that it affected her that way.

I think one of the reasons I still crave these rides is that they remind me of a simple time in my childhood. One in which I had no problems. One in which my family was healthy and whole. Only now, I have a husband (who hates these ride btw) and 3 kids. Luckily my oldest is already showing a passion for coasters. When we went to Disney back in April, he & I rode the Everest ride 3 times in 2 hours. lol. I am taking him to Kings Dominion for his birthday in Sept. I can hardly wait myself.

Music is very much the same as coasters for me. It comforts me & excites me at the same time. There are time when I hear a song that I burst in tears and my throat closes in. Other times, it's a nostalgia about events that took place when I first heard a song. I love music passionately.

My first concert was Night Ranger and The Outfield. Both were good bands, but even then I knew Night Ranger had something special. Sure enough, it was just a few months later that "Sister Christian" came on the radio. I always think back to how fun that first concert was. And amazingly enough I took all 3 of my kids to see Night Ranger last weekend in Raleigh. How often can you take your kids to see a band you first saw when you were a teenager? My oldest enjoyed it so much. We're already planning another concert in a few weeks.

I'm looking forward to growing up with my kids and continuing to do these things I'm passionate about. I'm lucky that they are embracing these things with me.

What are you and your family passionate about?

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