Thursday, July 26, 2007

A weighted issue

It's that time of the month for me. I'm pissy and moody today. I really just want to punch something, but there's not anything to take my frustrations out on. I'm bloated and irritable. So, what better day to talk about weight issues.

I am what you would call a 'big boned' girl. Even if I didn't have a single ounce of fat on me (ha! fat chance!), I would still be less than slim. I have broad shoulders and 'birthing hips'. Which is quite ironic since I ended up with 3 cesareans. The bottom line is I'm not a skinny girl. But I am an active person. I've just recently started going to a local fitness center where I do strength training 3- 4 times a week. Before that I walked 3 miles a day for several years through hilly terain. However, it just wasn't taking any pounds off. I mentioned earlier that I have had 3 cesareans. Believe me they do a number on your abdomin and I'm tired of carrying this extra weight around.

I've come to the conclusion that I needed to step up  the action. I'm now doing interval training on an eliptical or treadmill. I'm doing the strength training. I'm swimming with the kids several times a week. I'm seeing some positive results. But that damned ab area just isn't going away. I've already decided to controversal action about it. Once I have lost all the weight I can, I will elect to have a tummy tuck.

I'm sure that many of you will think this is the easy route out of my problems. Let me assure you that it is not. In fact, the mere thought of recovering from this procedure scares the living shit out of me. However, there is really no other option for the problem I have. You see, I have what is commonly known as 'twin skin'. My oldest child was born at almost 41 weeks. He was well cooked. He was also 11 lbs 1 oz and 23 1/2 inches long. The average baby is 7.5 lbs and about 20 - 21 inches long. The average size "twin" is a little over 5 lbs. My son alone in the womb weighed more than a set of twins together. I also had excessive amniotic fluid. When I went in for delivery, I measure roughly the size of a woman who was 44 weeks along. Consider that for a moment. A full term pregnancy is 38-40 weeks. I was huge. I did not have gestational diabetes. No one really knows why I deliverd such a large baby. But one thing was for sure. My abdomen would never recover. The skin is forever damaged. It is stretched beyond what it could heal. It stretched, bled, stretched, cracked and bled some more to accomodate my child. The last few weeks were so painful for me. I was grateful when it was over.

Since that time, I went on to have 2 more beautiful children. And I don't regret for a moment what child birth has done to my body. But I am selfish enough to say that I want to now fix with surgery what I can't do on my own.

So, what are your thoughts on any of these topics? Did you get your pre-pregnancy body back? Are you still fighting the battle of the extra bulge? Would you consider plastic surgery to fix things you cannot achieve with weight loss? Please note that I am not talking about Lipo. I honestly do not care to do this. I know that I can lose any extra pounds I have by simply continuing to exercise. However, would YOU consider Lipo? Have any of you had any of these procedures already? If so, let us know your experiences.

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